Thursday, May 9, 2013

park preservation is also very important in the residential communities. of course i have focused a lot on the preservation of national forest but now lets shed some light on whats going on in the neighborhood. Where do your kids go to play softball where do people go to have an outdoor wedding. correct answer is usually the park. there are places like preservation park in downtown oakland than is mainly focused on giving a great venue to have a weeding or holiday gala. but it is set in a victorian style neighborhhod to add illustrious beauty and comfort for those who want to have a celebration or just a stroll in the park. we need to keep places like this going for the children too. where are they going to go to play baseball or tag or hide and go seek. in todays growing economy there are alot of small apartments and crowded streets that kids cant play in. they cant explore or expand their imagination. a park will give them fresh grass and trees and a slide. something to keep them from bieng glued to the t.v. all day and melting their brains playing video games. so keep the parksin our communities running, clean, and safe.

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